Temporary Files & Directories


Imad Dabbura


November 16, 2022

Sometimes you may want to create temporary file or directories for the life of the process and then you want them deleted once the process terminates or the file is closed. This is very useful to store some metadata or temporary data but you don’t want the data to persist in the filesystem. We can achieve that by creating temporary file which is available in almost all languages such as Python and C. The way temporary file works is as follows:

Once we close the file or all the process(es) that has a reference to the file terminates, the file will be removed. The same thing applies to temporary directories.

Example in Python:

import tempfile

# Create temp file 
fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

# Write to the file
fp.write("First write!")

# Read from the beginning
fp.read()   #=> "First write!"

# Now the file will be closed and removed